Success Stories

Success pictures

"Being an independent courthouse researcher is a challenging yet flexible and rewarding job…” It has also been a very rewarding job in that I can work when I want (pretty much, as long as I make my deadlines!). The opportunity to set my own salary is also great! The faster I type, the more I earn! I feel very blessed to have this opportunity!"

-- Amy

"Why do I like being an independent courthouse researcher? I’ve been an independent courthouse researcher for around a year now and I like it because I can schedule my courthhouse visits to suit my schedule. I can go to the courthouse when I have other appointments in the area or later in the week, no problem. And the staff – they have always been just an email or phone call away, cheerful and helpful. Being an independent courthouse researcher has provided me a steady part-time income, and the freedom to work when I want to."

-- Linda






"Up until November 2006 I worked regular 9:00 to 5:00 jobs. I was always rushing to get ready for work, rushing to get my son ready for school, rushing home for my son after school, rushing to get dinner ready, rushing to get housework done. There was no real quality time with my family. Then I found There are no employment fees, you don’t have to buy “work” clothes, and there’s no rush hour traffic. I am able to get my family ready every morning, do some housework, and then go to my counties to collect my data – no rushing involved. You don’t have to be at work at a certain time since you set your own hours. There is quality training material, which is available at all times. The supervisors are wonderful and are easy to work with. Any questions and/or problems are handled quickly by either email or phone. Last year my Mom became very ill. I called my supervisor, let her know that I had an emergency and wouldn’t be able to work for a few weeks. She found people to cover my counties, and kept in touch to make sure I was ok. It’s easy to put off your job since you’re at home, and you don’t have a “boss” looking over your shoulder. You have to be disciplined, complete your record collections as assigned and most importantly remember that there are companies relying on you to do your job. Being a deed collector is a great opportunity and I am so thankful I found it. "

-- Rebecca

"Being an independent contractor collecting data has allowed me to supplement my family's income, be my own boss, which I love, and have a flexible schedule to be available for my children. I cannot imagine doing anything else that can give me such freedom, and the money is great! I absolutely LOVE what I do. Collecting data is work, but it's also fun. It allows you to challenge yourself daily to type faster and produce more. This is one job that I am always excited about!"

-- Maria




"Many years ago my parents started a company that exclusively involved courthouse research. At that time, I was employed with a PUC corporate company working the normal routine...8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A couple years back I had the opportunity to leave the hustle and bustle of corporate life and join my parents in their company. I have found a new sense of being doing courthouse research. The freedom to work my own hours, however many or few I chose per day or week, allowing me more time to concentrate on what means more to me...spending time with my family. I have also found that the drive to the courthouses is a time to see the "countryside" in all it s splendor. I have found new acquaintances in each courthouse, each willing to help you with whatever they can. My background in data entry made the system a breeze to work with...but even if I didn't have that background the process would be easy to learn and become accustomed to. I highly recommend courthouse research and collection to anyone looking for something a bit out of the ordinary."

-- Heather

"I've been collecting deed data for a couple of months now and it's been wonderful. It has been a great source of supplemental income and it's easy to fit in with any schedule. Set up was very easy with the staff's help and they have been willing to help in any way needed. I have and would suggest this to anyone."

-- Suzie




"I love being an independent courthouse researcher. Being an independent courthouse researcher allows me to have very flexible hours. Every time I have ever had a question or a problem I can send an email & immediately get a response either by email or phone. I love that, so I do not have to sit and wait. I have really enjoyed the work and it is so easy. It's a great company to work for."

-- Lisa
